Sunday, 12 June 2016

Site works, parenting tips and information session

Our children are well and truly settled into their brand new school, and it is a joy to see them flourishing.  A dream come true!

They recently enjoyed an excursion to Puffing Billy (irresistible, given its proximity to our current site in Belgrave - on a calm day, the puffing can be heard from the playground!). 

Site update

The progress of works on our site at Narre Warren North has picked up pace during May, following the long-awaited sign-off by the local council for our entry point at A'Beckett Road. The portable buildings will arrive in the next fortnight!

We have placed some simple signage at the two entrances - the first showing the work finally commenced to complete the A'Beckett Road entrance, the second the signage at the existing Belgrave-Hallam Road driveway.

The project has been complex, and continues to throw up unforeseeable challenges. In light of this, there is a good chance that the school will continue to operate from Belgrave for a couple of weeks into Term 3. Further, the great variety of machinery operating on site is leaving its impact on the landscape, and given the weather, it may well end up a mud bath!  In order to ensure that the site is safe and suitable for children, all loose ends will be tied up.  

In recognition of the investment that the founding families have made in the school and the interest they have in the progress at the Narre Warren North site, the Board prepared a report on the building works. It gives a great insight into the many facets and intricacies of the project. 

Parenting tips and articles on Harkaway Hills College website

PARED Victoria is proud to present a series of parenting tips, prepared by Dr Andrew Mullins.  

We have added a section to our website to showcase these insightful articles on parenting - and in each of our email updates, we will include a snapshot of and link to a recent post.  The first, entitled "Eleven Parenting Priorities", can be pre-viewed below, and accessed in full from

We are very pleased to have this excellent opportunity to pursue the chief goal of PARED Victoria - which is to support parents in the wonderful and challenging task of raising their children to be men and women of character.

Information sessions upcoming

We remind you about our upcoming information sessions.  These sessions are intended to be small and intimate.  We welcome both those who are making their first enquiries and those who are already familiar with the school and would like to know more, or have specific questions they would like to ask.

RSVP by responding to this email, or contacting any member of the School Board.

Tuesday 14 June at 7:30pm
To be held at the home of Isabelle & Trent Thomas in Beaconsfield (Please note change of venue).

Tuesday 5 July at 7.30pm
To be held at the home of Nick & Isabelle Lawless in Hampton Park.

Tuesday 2 August at 7:30pm

To be held at the home of Damien & Tatiana Burger in Guys Hill.

Key Parent Function - Dr Andrew Mullins - Report

Last month, we enjoyed a wonderful presentation by Dr Mullins on "Raising Great Kids", which served as both the Key Parent Function for enrolled parents, and a parenting seminar for any interested parents in the local community.

Dr Mullins' insights are always practical and inspirational, and were greatly appreciated by the many parents in attendance.

Parenting Tips Preview...

Eleven Parenting Priorities

1.      Be united with your spouse.

Unity between spouses makes parenting more likely to succeed.
"There is nothing better in this world than that man and wife should be of one mind in a house.”
Homer, The Odyssey

"The best thing a husband can do for his children is to love their mother"
Ray Guarendi, Back to the Family

  • Parental consistency. Reach decisions you are both happy with.
  • Put your spouse on a pedestal in your children’s eyes; back up each other’s decisions.
  • Don’t argue in front of kids; make up in their presence if you argue in their presence.
  • Listen. Be the first to apologise. Remember: discord leads to depression in children.
  • Be honest to yourself about your own temperament and faults. Kids see through hypocrisy. Admire the strengths of your spouse; don’t get fixated on faults.

Saturday, 4 June 2016

In-Home Information Session - Change in date

The next In-Home Information Session will no longer be held on Tuesday 7th June.

It will be held on Tuesday 14th June at 7:30pm at a home in Lysterfield.

If you are able to attend please contact us via our Contact page and details will be provided.