Friday, 12 June 2015

Harkaway Hills College - upcoming July information sessions

Next information seminar - Sunday 12 July

You are warmly invited to our next information seminar, where we will be pleased to welcome again Marina Haines.  

Marina will give a detailed presentation on the curriculum for the early primary years, focusing particularly on the Spalding approach to literacy, to which much time and effort is devoted in these foundational years.  With her day to day experience of successfully growing a very small school and enjoying outstanding academic results from day one, she is the perfect speaker to answer all questions about how a small school operates and how a full range of learning experiences can be provided in these first years.

Marina recently retired as principal of Montgrove College, a PARED school in Sydney's western suburbs. Marina was the first principal of the then-called Orchard Hills Preparatory School, which opened in 1999 with 15 children in foundation (prep). Orchard Hills Prep has now grown into Montgrove College for girls and Wollemi College for boys.

WhenSunday, 12 July 2015 at 2pm
Where: Damien & Tatiana's home 
RSVPMonday 6 July.  
For babysitting purposes, please advise whether your children will be attending and, if so, how many and what ages they are.  We will ask for a donation towards babysitting costs.

Information sessions in local areas

All families are most welcome to attend these sessions, held in the homes of interested families around Melbourne, which will be small and intimate.  They present an opportunity to ask any and all questions that families may have about the College and the PARED philosophy.

Sessions have been held already in Wheelers Hill and in Montmorency, and two more have been planned.

In Keilor, at the home of Natasha and Joshua Peart on Saturday, July 4 at 2pm.
In Lysterfield South, at the home of MariaJose and Ricardo Peralta on Saturday, July 25 at 3pm.

Please email for details.

Also, if you live elsewhere and would like us to host a session in your area, we would be happy to do so - please get in touch.

We look forward to seeing you at one (or more!) of these sessions soon.