Thursday, 21 April 2016

ANZAC Day ceremony - Friday 22 April

You are warmly invited to join our school children in a ceremony to commemorate Australia's fallen soldiers, from conflicts past and present, in anticipation of ANZAC Day.

The ceremony will take place on Friday 22 April at 3pm, at Harkaway Hills College, in Belgrave. Please RSVP here for venue details.

The ceremony will take approx 20 minutes and will include:
  • an opening prayer led by Fr Joe Pich, the school chaplain
  • an address by Kevin Bailey, former SAS serviceman
  • the Last Post and singing of the national anthem 
  • a short performance by the children.
Afternoon tea will be provided.

Our speaker, Kevin Bailey, engaged in foundational anti-terrorism work as a member of the Australian SAS.  He followed up this period of service with a most successful career in the finance industry, and a long period of service as Consul for East Timor. He was recently appointed an advisor to the Prime Minister in the area of philanthropy.  He is a wonderful speaker and we look forward to hearing from him on this special occasion.

All welcome- our students have begun their rehearsals and are so keen to share the afternoon with you all!  

This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase our school, our beautiful students and our community.